In the midst of Covid, when we didn’t know if we would make it out in one piece, Cape Town Rollergirls started a Learn 2 Skate programme in the desperate attempt to keep the league of a full-contact sport alive.
I am glad to say that I heeded their call and I am proud to have been part of the league’s revival. Today, we can safely confirm, that roller derby is alive and well in South Africa and what better way to celebrate this journey than for CTR to go and play WFTDA sanctioned games in Spain!
Did I help to save the league? Or did the league help to save me? Through the crippling pandemic, I have found an incredible community of strong, kickass women who have stood by me in sickness and in health, on and off track, and beautiful friendships that continue to grow and multiply.
Join us on this journey, by donating or supporting our fundraising roller discos and other initiatives, come and meet this group of diversely wonderful people and sign up to our Skate Basics course and come skate with us for the best fun imaginable, find new life-long friends and join a growing community of support and encouragement and ass-kicking!
Please note that 25% of your contribution goes towards Cape Town Rollergirls’ costs for the Iron Meisies to get to Spain (accommodation, transport, etc), as well as processing fees.
The rest of the donation goes directly to the skater, towards whatever they need to get them and their skates to Spain.